New Technology
PCR MicroArray Lab-on-Chip (LoC) platform
VereBeefTM PCR MicroArray
PCR MicroArray Lab-on-Chip (LoC) platform that allows for simultaneous detection, differentiation and identification of Escherichia coli O157 STEC, Big 6 Non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing E. coli as well as (optional) Salmonella spp.
From enrichment to results in 10-22 hrs
Tests for E.coli O157 STEC, Big 6 STEC and (optional) Salmonella spp. in a single assay
Highly specific primers and probes; target probes are replicated on the microarray
LOD within the range of 104-5 cfu/ml after enrichment and 1 cfu/test portion before enrichment
The VerePLEX™ Biosystem is designed to be portable
Flexible and Scalable
The 5 modules on the VerePLEX™ Biosystem can be randomly accessed – for higher throughput, up to 5 VerePLEX™ Biosystems can be configured as one unit

Accurate Results in 2 Hours, the Fastest in the Industry.

E.coli O157 STEC, O26, O45, O103, O111, O121, and O145
STEC virulence factors (stx1A, stx2A, eae)

Sample Types
Raw beef trim (25g, 325g, or 375g)

Multiplex assay: 11 targets, PCR and hybridization controls all in one test
Enrichment time as low as 8 hrs for E.coli O157 STEC detection
Extensive inclusivity / exclusivity data

Multiplexing Simplified

VerePLEX™ Biosystem
Combines molecular biology, microfluidics and microelectronics to bring the future of diagnostics and surveillance to you today.
The VerePLEX™ Biosystem, along with the VereChip™ is a breakthrough innovation, integrating two powerful molecular biological technologies: PCR and Microarray.
- Temperature Control System
- Optical Reader
- Laptop
- Barcode Reader
- VerePLEX™ Biosystem Software
Supply Chain Traceability
Achieving supply chain traceability has never been easier. AgriNow offers a cloud-based solution that launches in minutes, with a learning curve of just one day. Whether you’re a global produce player with packing houses around the world, or a family-owned farm with limited resources, AgriNow’s state-of-the-art technology will put traceability in your full control.

Organic Biological Solution
AquaBella® Organic Solutions
AquaBella® Organic Solutions provides produce growers with proprietary formulations of microbes and enzymes that are 100% natural and safe, made from Organic materials, USDA accepted for use in organic food production, OMRI Listed, easy to apply, and are documented to increase crop yields up to 127% while reducing agricultural inputs including irrigation water, chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
All Natural Biological Solution
TerraBella® Biological Solutions
Growers Calculate Value of Higher Yields & Improved Plant Health. Extensive “controlled comparison” evaluations have been conducted by growers to measure and quantify benefits in plant health and increased profitability for crops where improvement is attributable to the use of TerraBella®.
Growers with experience using TerraBella® report significant improvements in plant health including increased fruit and vegetable piece counts plus increased weights. Economic impacts calculated by growers range from $60,000 per Acre Net Economic gain, to Net ROI ranging from 179% to 3,181%.