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Case Study: Pepper Yields Increase 28%, ROI + 347%

Case Study: Pepper Yields Increase 28%, ROI + 347%

Yield improvement associated with TerraBella application to peppers was authorized by Mr. Dudi Koren of Kibbutz Shoval, Israel. The kibbutz covers 600 dunam (150 acres), where it was agreed to conduct an evaluation of two lots measuring 1.6 dunam each producing chili pepper (paprika). Measurements were performed on peppers harvested from all the plants in two (2) meter long lanes in four different beds, randomly selected from the treated and control beds.

TerraBella was applied two times, the first application immediately following seedling transplant and the second application two weeks following the first application

Case Study: Pepper Yields Increase 28%, ROI +347%

Present in the harvest and measurements were Mr. Koren’s representatives and

Mr. Nissim Barnea and Mr. Shimon Ben Haim of TerraBella Israel.

The measurements show that the use of TerraBella® resulted in higher overall yield (28%), more fruit (28%), more plant survival (6%) and fewer damaged fruits (-2%). Also, the farmer noted additional benefits including the brighter red color and fruit density in the plants treated with TerraBella.

Grower Calculates Value of Higher Yields & Improved Quality

TerraBella® treated beds produced on average 28% more fruits and the weight of these fruits were 28% heavier compared to the fruit production of untreated control beds. To quantify the impact of TerraBella fruit was collected, counted and weighed from four treated beds and four untreated control beds. All beds were selected at random by the grower representatives who performed the actual harvest, counting and weighing.

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