Case Study: Charles Krug Family Vineyards Treatment of a Grapevine Leafroll Disease – Infected Plot With Terrabella
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Case Study: Charles Krug Family Vineyards Treatment of a Grapevine Leafroll Disease – Infected Plot With Terrabella

Case Study: Charles Krug Family Vineyards Treatment of a Grapevine Leafroll Disease – Infected Plot With Terrabella PRODUCT USER:          Charles Krug Family Vineyards, St. Helena, CA, USA   ISSUE:                                              37 acre, 22-year old vineyard with low Brix content fruit, averaging 23%, making the fruit unusable in wine production. In addition to low Brix, these…

Green Bean Fields Under the Influence of TERRABELLA®
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Green Bean Fields Under the Influence of TERRABELLA®

Treatment of Green Bean Fields Under the Influence of TERRABELLA®   Product User: Sarabian Farms, Sanger, CA Issue: Green bean farm looking to increase crop yield. Treatment Date: August 2010 Treatment: Standard two-stage TerraBella® application to test plot containing 10 rows of beans. Control plot of the same size was identically planted and maintained. Treatment…

Differentiated Value for Immediate Benefit
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Differentiated Value for Immediate Benefit

Differentiated Value: 3 Drivers for Immediate Benefit   Increased Profits – Easily applied as directed during the growing cycle of the crop, TerraBella® works at the roots to improve plant health, enhancing the quality and consistency of fruits while increasing number of fruits produced and overall yield as determined by weight. Quite simply, higher yields…

All Natural Biological Solutions
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All Natural Biological Solutions

Growers Calculate Value of Higher Yields & Improved Plant Health Extensive “controlled comparison” evaluations have been conducted by growers to measure and quantify benefits in plant health and increased profitability for crops where improvement is attributable to the use of TerraBella®. Growers with experience using TerraBella® report significant improvements in plant health including increased fruit…