Lettuce Summer Harvest: 10% More Lettuce Heads, 21% More Yield
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Lettuce Summer Harvest: 10% More Lettuce Heads, 21% More Yield

Lettuce Summer Harvest: 10% More Lettuce Heads, 21% More Yield Evaluation of TerraBella® was completed to measure effect on lettuce crop under summer growing conditions. TerraBella was applied twice during the side-by-side comparison. Other than two applications of TerraBella all conditions were equal. During the study lettuce production harvested from twenty-five meters of untreated furrows…

Case Study: Red Beet Yield Increases 15.4%
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Case Study: Red Beet Yield Increases 15.4%

Case Study: Red Beet Yield Increases 15.4% Beta vulgaris, Sugar Beets are an important source of sugar in the global diet. Red Beets provide an important alternative winter food source.  Improvement in crop yields of Beta vulgaris offers significant world health implications.  AquaBella® Organic Solutions was applied twice during the early growth cycle of this…

Case Study: Charles Krug Family Vineyards Treatment of a Grapevine Leafroll Disease – Infected Plot With Terrabella
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Case Study: Charles Krug Family Vineyards Treatment of a Grapevine Leafroll Disease – Infected Plot With Terrabella

Case Study: Charles Krug Family Vineyards Treatment of a Grapevine Leafroll Disease – Infected Plot With Terrabella PRODUCT USER:          Charles Krug Family Vineyards, St. Helena, CA, USA   ISSUE:                                              37 acre, 22-year old vineyard with low Brix content fruit, averaging 23%, making the fruit unusable in wine production. In addition to low Brix, these…

Case Study: Pepper Yields Increase 28%, ROI + 347%
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Case Study: Pepper Yields Increase 28%, ROI + 347%

Case Study: Pepper Yields Increase 28%, ROI + 347% Yield improvement associated with TerraBella application to peppers was authorized by Mr. Dudi Koren of Kibbutz Shoval, Israel. The kibbutz covers 600 dunam (150 acres), where it was agreed to conduct an evaluation of two lots measuring 1.6 dunam each producing chili pepper (paprika). Measurements were…

Case Study: Banana Yields More than Double; Increases 127%
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Case Study: Banana Yields More than Double; Increases 127%

Case Study: Banana Yields More than Double; Increases 127% Evaluation of TerraBella® at the Kibbutz Ginosar, located on the banks of the Sea of Galilee demonstrate dramatic fruit yield increases by application of TerraBella® through the existing drip irrigation system. TerraBella was applied at three times during the evaluation under double-blinded side-by-side comparison. During this…

Xgenex Pomegranate Case Study: Yield Increases 33%, ROI +2461%
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Xgenex Pomegranate Case Study: Yield Increases 33%, ROI +2461%

Xgenex Pomegranate Case Study: Yield Increases 33%, ROI +2461% AquaBella® Organic Solutions applied to soil at the base of trees once/monthly for three months during the early growth cycle. The evaluation was performed at the orchard of Mr. Marshall in MoshavArugot, Israel. Mr. Marshall, the orchard owner oversaw application of TerraBella® product and oversaw harvest…

Safe 100% All Organic Ingredients, OMRI Listed
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Safe 100% All Organic Ingredients, OMRI Listed

Learn how microbe balanced root systems increase root mass more than 15% to produce 10% to 23% more fruit with 20% less water Enjoy Higher Yields & Higher Profits – Apply 20% Less Water and Increase Yields 10% to 23%. – Biologically Balanced Root Systems Grow Healthier Plants & Profits. – Better Roots Grow Better…

Green Bean Fields Under the Influence of TERRABELLA®
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Green Bean Fields Under the Influence of TERRABELLA®

Treatment of Green Bean Fields Under the Influence of TERRABELLA®   Product User: Sarabian Farms, Sanger, CA Issue: Green bean farm looking to increase crop yield. Treatment Date: August 2010 Treatment: Standard two-stage TerraBella® application to test plot containing 10 rows of beans. Control plot of the same size was identically planted and maintained. Treatment…

Differentiated Value for Immediate Benefit
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Differentiated Value for Immediate Benefit

Differentiated Value: 3 Drivers for Immediate Benefit   Increased Profits – Easily applied as directed during the growing cycle of the crop, TerraBella® works at the roots to improve plant health, enhancing the quality and consistency of fruits while increasing number of fruits produced and overall yield as determined by weight. Quite simply, higher yields…

From Root Problem to Root Solution
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From Root Problem to Root Solution

From Root Problem to Root Solution The Root Solution: Organic Solutions Your crops most important nutrition and moisture sources are available at the roots. Establishing optimal microbe activity at the roots creates ideal conditions so that crops thrive. Whether your crops are Organic or Conventional, enhancing microbe performance is green, sustainable, 100% natural and organic…